This year, we had a lot of fun at Deepavali (A.K.A. Divali).
On Thursday, 11/4/10, we celebrated the first day of Deepavali. Wee lit some lamps, made some chalk drawings, and best of all, USED FIREWORKS! We used Colored Snakes, garlic firecrackers, Flowerpots, and the most terrifyingly fast of them all, the one I gave a name myself, the HYPERSPEED!
The Colored Snakes were these little pill shaped things reminiscent of lamp pills that you put on fire. When set on fire, they slowly made a snake shaped structure out of ash. These were pretty bad snakes; it looked like the fire was pooping something, and smelled like it, too.
Garlic firecrackers are little packages of wood shaving inside paper. When you throw them at a hard surface, they explode with a pop. They’re always a nice way to begin or end a session of fireworks.
Flowerpots are these huge, mini-versions of regular fireworks. First it spit up color, then multicolored missiles into the air. There are explosions all over the place, blowing up like real firework missiles. These are probably the best fireworks on the non-pyrotechnic market.
“Hyperspeeds” are little spinners. They look like flowerpots, but act nothing like them. There are other types of spinners, but these are probably the most magnificent. After a short time on the fuse, it seems to have stopped working. Then it explodes, moving really fast, throwing multicolored sparks, and changing colors. They are quite epic.
We didn’t do anything on the second day, 11/5/10, but on the third, 11/6/10, we invited my uncle and set off… guess what… MOAR FIREWORKS! Yes, MOAR, because only epic people misspell stuff like more. The third day of Deepavali is the day when you celebrate brothers, so we invited my uncle and his family to set off fireworks. We used multiple types of sparklers, spinners, a Magic Trick, party poppers, a supreme party popper, and all the other ones we used before.
Sparklers are sticks that, when set ablaze, explode in beautiful arrangements. Some spat red sparks. Others exploded in yellow stars. And some shined white.
Normal spinners spin around, hurling yellow sparks in a small circle that they spin in once the fuse burns down.
Party poppers are these little canisters full of confetti. Pull the string, BOOM, a whole bunch of confetti flies out.
Supreme party poppers are much, much bigger, shooting out much more, bigger confetti. We were ripped off, though: there was barely any confetti in ours.
And magic tricks, somehow, are even better than Flowerpots, if MUCH more terrifying. Put it on fire and hold it, the ends explodes, sending down more stuff that explodes randomly over and over and over again, making a huge cacophony. We set off only one because it made a lot of noise. We wouldn’t have even bought them if we knew what they were.
Deepavali this year was really great, and I hope next year’s will be just as awesome.
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12 years ago
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