Monday, August 6, 2007

Star Party!

By Abhi Ramaprasad Aug 6th, 2007.

On Friday August 3rd, 2007, we went to a star party @ the San Jose Astronomical Association. I expected to see lots of kids and adults. I also thought that I would understand what they said. Instead, there were a few adults. I couldn't understand some of it either. First we saw a lot of things in space on the computer. Then we went outside and saw Alberio. It was a double star. They were farther away from each other than the sun is from Pluto. One was blue, which meant it was really hot, and the other was orange, Which meant it was like the sun. Then we saw Jupiter. Every time, I saw a zigzag around Jupiter. We saw it differently each time we looked at it with a telescope. Then, we saw a space station. It went really fast. One person pointed a laser at Jupiter [or maybe a cluster]. He told me the laser was dangerous, though. Then someone told me why they were holding flashlights with red beams. It was because our eyes are least sensitive to red light and most sensitive to green light. Then we saw a few clusters. Anna told someone that I was named after Abhijit[star][otherwise known as Vega].We left after that. We might have seen one more cluster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.